12 O'clock Rock playlist from September 28, 1997
Kneecappers-Sleepin' With You in My Heart
Grown Ups-Imbecile
Bassholes-(cut 5 from the Blue Roots album)
Bassholes-Microscope Feeling (from the 7" with April March)
the Smugglers-Melee in Madrid
Witchypoo-Freeze Dried (My Life in the Biz)
Run On-Complainers
Panel Donor-(cut 10, name not on cue sheet)
Bunnygrunt-Broken Heart Surgery (A)
Silver Scooter-Regret Sets In
Audrey-Landspeeder (A)
the Grifters-Re-entry Blues
the Mirrors-Living Without You
Electric Eels-You Crummy Fags
the Mirrors-Frustration
the Styrenes-Draw the Curtain/Grey Haired Rats
Les Savy Fav-Intro
(Improvisational) Phaser Project-Phase 1/Phase 2
Rock Band #47-21st Century Fox
More Fiends-Attack of the Giant Squitos (C)
Skinner Pilot-Collecting the City
Log-Ode to Buddy Love
the Apples in Stereo-What's the #?
Brian Jonestown Massacre-(first cut from the Give It Back album)
Run On-Hit Run
Les Savy Fav-Cut It Out
Skinner Pilot-Ocean 1212W
Darling Little Jackhammer-Of Chupacadra
SicKidz-LSD (C)
Grifters-Wicked Thing
Hz Roundtable-Eye and Ear Infirmary (B)
Atman-the End of Philosophy
Silver Scooter-Long Fence
Ganger-Prisoner of My Eyeball
Supernova-(cut name not on cue sheet)
the Smugglers-Buddy Holly Convention
Paul Nini-Mediocrity
Silver Scooter-Catching Fish
the Great Unwashed-Duane Eddy
Rock Band #47-Hi Doggy
Grong Grong-Grong Grong
Bassholes-(ninth cut from the Blue Roots album-I can't read the cut titles)
Witchypoo-the First and the Fifth
Dressy Bessy-Fuzzy
Carmaig DeForest-Bad Things Happen
Source information:
Those tracks which can not be found by looking for the band name are from the following sources:
A-From the Bullpen, compilation album
B-Sounds of the Geographically Challenged compilation
C-Legends of Philly Punk (7" from Carbon 14 fanzine)